

Fusion Refractories Ltd. (Fusión Refractarios)

In order to continue the legacy of more than fifty years that the founder of this firm, H. M. Cordoba, devoted to refractory deeply commit ourselves to customer service. Our constant force in the refractory market is to offer a variety of domestic and imported products for different types of applications, assessing the personalized customer service to meet their needs in a timely manner. In addition to providing a wide range of refractories, Fusion Refractories provide technical advice and Stove Fitting service specialist. Our Products Ask about our stock in different formats (standard straight bricks, wedges, knives, blocks, slabs, tiles, curved, soaps, keys, starts, ladrillones, tiles, burner mouths, sight glasses, plates muffle furnace pot lids, plates curves, channels, …

Fusion Refractories Ltd. (Fusión Refractarios)

Country: Argentina
Address: 5170 Camino General Belgrano, between Slaughter and Chascomús the south of Greater Buenos Aires-Avellaned
Postal Code:
Website: http://www.fusionrefractarios.com.ar

Fusion Refractories Ltd. (Fusión Refractarios)

Address: 5170 Camino General Belgrano, between Slaughter and Chascomús the south of Greater Buenos Aires-Avellaned Postal Code: Website: http://www.fusionrefractarios.com.ar

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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